"There is no easy way to create a world where children receive as much education as their minds can absorb. But if such a world could be created in our lifetime, it would be done by people of good will.” - Martin Luther King, Jr.

We believe that we should honor Boston’s scholarly tradition by employing the most current research in child development and learning, to ensure the highest quality early childhood practice. At its core, our program celebrates the great potential of young children, the value of professional teachers, the importance of parent collaboration, the responsibility of service to our community, and the richness of the world beyond the classroom.
In 2014, we began a "fabric of our school" project that weaved together the many research threads which have influenced our practice. As a school, we have come to realize our mission by integrating best practices from many sources.
Inspired and influenced by the Charter of Rights at Boulder Journey School and the work of Harvard's Project Zero with the schools in Reggio Emilia, we have joined these groups in appreciating Children as Citizens. We have documented the many rights that children have. Each year, we revisit this list with educators, parents and community members to foster a community that children deserve.
Children deserve schools that implement the best research about physical, socio- emotional, and cognitive opportunities.
Children are capable of great scientific, artistic and linguistic exploration and expression.
An investment in the best teachers greatly impacts teaching and learning. Teachers should have time and support for continued professional growth.
Children learn best when their families are partners in their educational experiences and involved in their early learning.
Schools benefit from and are shaped by the expertise of parents in fields outside of education.
Curriculum and instruction should emerge out of the interests and experiences of children and their families.
The classroom environment should foster learning with rich materials and experiences.
Through careful documentation and reflection, teachers can build on children’s ideas to expand and develop academic skills in context. Children best acquire skills within the context of their interests.
The learning process—including metacognition, strategic thinking and inquiry—is more important than skills or products in developing learners.
The classroom is an extension of the home, the neighborhood and the world. It should be a place that embraces our similarities, differences and diversity. It should recognize the connection between the local and the global.
Children, families and schools benefit from introducing toddlers to educational opportunities in developmental playgroups. Building an early connection can greatly improve learning and programs.
Schools can become educational centers with a variety of art, music, foreign language and other enrichment opportunities beyond their traditional programming.
Schools should evolve to serve changing needs of families and growing research on young children.